ABN 15 089 554 718

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Who can register .com.au or .net.au domains

To register a .com.au or .net.au domain you will need to provide an active ABN or ACN or a registered trademark or an incorporated association ID when ordering.

If you have an ABN for the organisation we recommend using that as it is the fastest to complete registration.

New ABN’s or recently activated ABN’s can take a day or so to show as active in the Australian ABR database. Pending ABN’s will cause a slight delay in registration of a new .au domain name.

To check the status of an ABN or ACN you can search the Australian Business Register.

For complete .au eligibility rules visit auda.org.au the .au authority.

Changing ownership of a .AU domain

When transferring the ownership of a .au domain name, the domain must be re-registered to the new owners. Confirmation is required from the current and

Who can register .org.au or .asn.au domains

.org.au and .asn.au domains can only be registered by non-commercial organisations. The organisation must be registered as an Australian incorporated association or an Australian charity