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What nameservers should I use to point my domain to your hosting servers

You can find your nameservers in your account.

► Login to our website

► click Services

► click My Services

► click Active button for account you want the nameservers for

► you will then see your nameservers listed for that domain

If you ordered a domain name registration at the same time you ordered web hosting, your domain will automatically have the correct nameservers set.

You can also contact us if you need help knowing what your nameservers should be.

To find what nameservers your domain is currently set to, you can look them up online. Go to Domain Dossier. Type in your domain name, tick on “domain whois record” and click “go”. In the list of information that is returned you will see the nameservers for the domain you are searching.

Changing ownership of a .AU domain

When transferring the ownership of a .au domain name, the domain must be re-registered to the new owners. Confirmation is required from the current and

Who can register .org.au or .asn.au domains

.org.au and .asn.au domains can only be registered by non-commercial organisations. The organisation must be registered as an Australian incorporated association or an Australian charity

Managing DNS Zones

If you are using our cPanel web hosting To manage your DNS records using cPanel: ► Login to cPanel ► click Zone Editor From there