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How do I update my domain nameservers

If you registered your Domain Name with us

► Login to our website

► click Domains

► click My Domains

► click Active (or the icon spanner)

► click Nameservers

► select Custom nameservers

► enter your nameservers

Nameservers can take a few minutes to a few hours for changes to propagate through the internet.

Important – If nothing happens after changing nameservers:

  1. After changing the nameservers it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for the changes to propagate around the internet.
  2. Also try hitting keyboard Shift + refresh button in your web browser.
  3. Also try emptying your web browser cache.
  4. Also can try testing on a different connection like a mobile phone.
  5. Otherwise just wait, try again later and try numbers 2-4 again if needed.

If you registered your Domain Name through another company

Login to where you bought the domain and you should find options to manage/update nameservers and DNS. If you can’t find any options for nameservers you may need to contact their support for assistance.

Changing ownership of a .AU domain

When transferring the ownership of a .au domain name, the domain must be re-registered to the new owners. Confirmation is required from the current and

Who can register .org.au or .asn.au domains

.org.au and .asn.au domains can only be registered by non-commercial organisations. The organisation must be registered as an Australian incorporated association or an Australian charity

Managing DNS Zones

If you are using our cPanel web hosting To manage your DNS records using cPanel: ► Login to cPanel ► click Zone Editor From there