Payment method options include credit card or PayPal.
Manual Credit Card
Login to our website:
► click Billing
► then My Invoices
► click on the invoice you want to pay
► select the Credit Card from Payment Method drop box
► click the Pay Now button up the top of the invoice
Automatic Credit Card
Login to our website and first add a credit card to your account:
► Account
► Manage Credit Card
Then you need to change the default Payment Method for your account:
► go to Account
► Edit Account Details
► Select a Credit Card from the Payment Method drop box
► Save Changes
Manual PayPal
Login to our website:
► click Billing
► then My Invoices
► click on the invoice you want to pay
► select the PayPal from Payment Method drop box
► click the PayPal Checkout button up the top of the invoice
Automatic PayPal
For automatic PayPal payments you need to create a PayPal subscription.
Login to our website:
► click Billing
► then My Invoices
► click on the invoice you want to pay
► select the PayPal from Payment Method drop box
► then click the PayPal Subscription button up the top of the invoice
Note that the PayPal Subscription button will only appear as an option if the invoice is not past its due date. If past the due date only the PayPal Checkout button will appear.