Who can register .com.au or .net.au domains
To register a .com.au or .net.au domain you will need to provide an active ABN or ACN or a registered trademark or an incorporated association ID
To register a .com.au or .net.au domain you will need to provide an active ABN or ACN or a registered trademark or an incorporated association ID
.org.au and .asn.au domains can only be registered by non-commercial organisations. The organisation must be registered as an Australian incorporated association or an Australian charity
A registered Australian entity ID is required to register any .au domain name. An ABN is the standard requirement but other registered entity ID’s are
When registering a .org.au or .asn.au domain it will enter a Pending Eligibility Review state. The process to confirm these domains can take 1-2 days.
When transferring the ownership of a .au domain name, the domain must be re-registered to the new owners. Confirmation is required from the current and