Transferring a domain name registration to us
If you want to transfer a domain name registration to us you may do so by placing a domain transfer order on our website. During
If you want to transfer a domain name registration to us you may do so by placing a domain transfer order on our website. During
If you are using our cPanel web hosting To manage your DNS records using cPanel: ► Login to cPanel ► click Zone Editor From there
You can find your nameservers in your account. ► Login to our website ► click Services ► click My Services ► click Active button for
ID privacy is not available for .au domains. But for other domains you can turn it on to prevent unwanted spam coming into your domain
If you registered your Domain Name with us ► Login to our website ► click Domains ► click My Domains ► click Active (or the icon
If you registered your Domain Name with us ► Login to our website ► click Domains->My Domains ► click Manage button for the domain ►
To register a or domain you will need to provide an active ABN or ACN or a registered trademark or an incorporated association ID and domains can only be registered by non-commercial organisations. The organisation must be registered as an Australian incorporated association or an Australian charity
A registered Australian entity ID is required to register any .au domain name. An ABN is the standard requirement but other registered entity ID’s are
When registering a or domain it will enter a Pending Eligibility Review state. The process to confirm these domains can take 1-2 days.