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Free SSL Certificates

Check email settings

► Login to cPanel

► click Email Accounts


► Use the SSL settings on that page

SSL Email Settings

Username: example@yourdomain.com.au
Password: Use the email account’s password.
Incoming Server: mail.yourdomain.com.au
IMAP Port: 993, or if using POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server: mail.yourdomain.com.au
SMTP Port: 465

The username and password need to be set for BOTH incoming and outgoing servers.

Outgoing server requires authentication (same user and password as incoming).

Logging into webmail

To login to webmail using a web browser type your domain into the address bar with /webmail at the end: ► https://yourdomain.com.au/webmail ► then enter

Creating email accounts

► Login to cPanel ► click Email Accounts ► click +CREATE ► enter your email username  ► enter a password  ► set the Storage Space

Add email forwarder

► Login to cPanel ► click Forwarders  ► Add Forwarder  ► enter the “Address to Forward” you want to create  ► check the correct domain